Why Cardio P1?
Compact Convenience
- Cardio P1 Compact interfaces with your own PC
- CardioSync: PC software program with user-oriented UI/UX
- Quick patient ID entry with USB barcode scanner
- Auto Key: Supports Simple 3-Step Workflow
- Device settings can be exported and imported by a USB drive
- Lead fault detection & notice
- Simplifies 5 workflows in one touch operation
Packed with Everything Needed
- Preacquisition 10 sec for real-time print-out
- Preview screen before printout
- Compare/zoom/RR measurement functions for more detailed review
- Full disclosure for 30 minutes (Live mode available)
- Long-term ECG recording for 1, 3, 5,10, 20, 30 minute intervals
- Real-time arrhythmia detection (13 types)
- Heart Rate Variability(HRV) analysis
- Diagnostic interpretations (120 diagnoses)
- Custom reports for detailed interpretations and analysis (Text, ST segment and map, Guide, Vector)
Adaptive Features
- PACS, GDT, web server, direct EMR (direct and bidirectional connectivity)
- Extended data storage (500 cases)
- Various standard file formats: PDF, XML, MFER, BMP, JPG
- Flexible connectivity based on your PC specifications
Secured Privacy
- Information is encrypted and protected
- Different ID, password, roles and authority by user
- Auto standby, shut down
- Hide patient name and hospital information
- Event log