KIMES 2021 Bionet’s Virtual Exhibition Booth

The 36th KIMES 2021 Exhibition was held from March 18 to March 21. The four-day exhibition was an exhibition of international medical devices and hospital facilities and about 1,200 local and foreign companies participated to showcase their various technologies.

Bionet introduced showcased up-to-date devices such as fetal monitors with improved technology, patient monitor as well as the newly designed patient monitors, and portable ECGs. Some of the highlights were Bionet’s wireless ECG patch and wireless ultrasound device. Animal wireless ECG patches and wireless ultrasound devices were displayed with having the advantage of being able to check the patient’s condition anytime, anywhere in an emergency. These products, which have attracted many visitors for their new technology and design, have not only been very popular throughout the exhibition, but also have been very interested by the media. ( ).

Celebrating its 22nd anniversary, Bionet is preparing to take a leap forward as a market leader with a new business motto called “Connected Healthcare Provider.”

Even after KIMES 2021, Bionet will be delivering through various exhibitions and media so please do not miss out!

* The video shows the exhibition prepared by all Bionet employees as one.

Thank you to all local and international visitors for visiting the KIMES 2021 Bionet booth.

BIONET INC Pursuing fulfillment beyond technology for happier and healthier living of consumers.



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