2021 Bionet 36th KIMES

Join Bionet at the 36th KIMES International Medical Device Hospitial Equipment Exhibition!

Join Bionet at the 36th KIMES International Medical Device Hospitial Equipment Exhibition!

Visit our Bionet’s exhibition booth, which consists of products that you cannot miss, and meet various products with your own eyes. Do not forget the 36th KIMES Exhibition at COEX Exhibition Center in Seoul, from March 18th to 21st! Bionet booth number is Hall C #222.
This year we will be presenting our new business paradigm as “Connected Healthcare Provider” which covers from personal cares to professional cares so that everyone can easily access primary and preventative care services without any physical limit.

We hope to enjoy KIMES 2021 with BIONET

BIONET INC Pursuing fulfillment beyond technology for happier and healthier living of consumers.



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