2021 Bionet’s New Employee Training

2021 Bionet's New Employee Training

Hello, this is Bionet!
This is the training site for our new employees filled with the passion for learning.
Bionet has conducted OJT(On the Job Training) for 3 days to welcome new 2021 employees.
From Bionet’s corporate vision to details of our main business field!
With our experienced senior managers, they have taught professional and diverse education of ECG, FM, and PM fields as well as education on new business lines and systematic education on the Smartwork system
With our education program, Bionet is willing to share the knowledge acquired through field work with our senior and junior employees, and it is not just a one-time event.
That’s a wrap for the tour of our training site, and we hope that you’ll become a more professional like our Bionet employees!
Thank you.

BIONET INC Pursuing fulfillment beyond technology for happier and healthier living of consumers.



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