KIMES 2023 DAY1 🎊

KIMES 2023 DAY1 🎊

At the opening ceremony of KIMES 2023, CEO of Bionet, Steven Minn, was awarded the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award in recognition of his contributions to the development of the medical device industry through obtaining domestic and foreign licenses and entering the global market. 👏

On the first day of the exhibition, Meet Bionet’s core products along with new products on site!

◾Date : March 23 (Thu) ~ 26 (Sun), 2023
◾Location : 3rd floor, COEX Convention & Exhibition Center(513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
◾Booth : Hall C 442

#PatientMonitor #Veterinary #VeterinaryMedicalDevice #VemoPlus #ECG #Bionet #MedicalDevices #SonoMe #WirelessUltrasound #FDA #healthcare #BrioXSeries #CardioQSeries #COEX #KIMES2023 #KIMES

BIONET INC Pursuing fulfillment beyond technology for happier and healthier living of consumers.



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