
A New Generation of Wireless Ultrasound Scanner

A New Generation of Wireless Ultrasound Scanner


A New Generation of Wireless Ultrasound Scanner
SonoMe will launch in August!
We are happy to pre-announce the news that the new generation of wireless pocket ultrasound scanners, SonoMe will launch in August, firstly in Korea. Unlike other wireless ultrasound scanners previously launched in the market, which require additional charges to activate menus, modes, or other functions, SonoMe has no additional costs with a fully loaded system with B, B/M, Color, PDI, PW modes and DICOM support.
Users can choose from 8 different models by desired applications or the number of elements. SonoMe App can be downloaded from iOS or Android app store for free without any complicated registration process. Furthermore, users can experience noncompromising image quality which can be offered at cart-based-ultrasound systems, enhancing informed decisions.
SonoMe will help you free from wired workflow with a range of choices for your daily patient care better than before.

BIONET INC Pursuing fulfillment beyond technology for happier and healthier living of consumers.



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