Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring LAB24

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor that supports from 24 hrs up to 48 hrs of accurate motion tolerance monitoring LAB24

LAB24 gives you accurate information, healthier results

Quick overview

Bionet’s LAB24 is an ambulatory blood pressure monitor for hyper or hypotension diagnosis. Monitor your BP during daily activities for as long as 48 hrs with motion tolerating algorithm.

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When false BP needs corrections or accurate BP is needs for the following reasons:

  • White coat hypertension
  • Masked hypertension
  • Titrating medication
  • Childhood hypertension
  • Identifying pre-hyper/hypotension, High normal BP

Identifying NON-Dippers

  • 24hr hypertension exposed
  • Potential LVH ( Left Ventricle Hypertrophy )
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Potential MI
  • Target organ damage
  • Stroke & Renal failure

Easy traceable patient data & capacity

  • Clinically approved by meeting or exceeding the latest BHS, ESH, AAMI:SP10 standards
  • Motion Tolerance algorithm applied
  • Patented inner pocket, robust cuff
  • BMS Mini software for smart programing and analysis tools and report

Situations when BP accuracy matters the most

  • White coat hypertension : Patient experiences normal BP when they are out of the clinic, but experiences elevated BP at the clinic.
  • Masked hypertension : Patient experiences normal BP when they are in clinic, but an elevated BP out of the clinic.
  • Titrating medication for antihypertensive medication
  • Self BP reading with accuracy is the key for titrating hypertensive medication.
  • Other hypertensive symptom needed ABPM
    • Resistant hypertension
    • Childhood hypertension
    • Nocturnal hypertension
    • Episodic hypertension and / or anxiety disorders
    • Hypotensive symptoms
    • Changes in diet and daily routine designed to reduce hypertension

Non-dippers with 24hr hypertension that risk highly potential LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy)

  • Non-dippers are a certain group of patients whose nocturnal BP shows less than 10/5 mmHg or 10% in SYS/DIA with high potential target organ damages as well as LVH.
  • One of the major factors of LVH is the continuous exposure of hypertension, day and knight.
  • LVH gradually changes the structure of a heart by thickening the left ventricle causing complications such as:
    • Arrhythmia
    • Stroke
    • Cardiac Arrest
  • To prevent LVH, regular basis of BP monitoring and accurate 24hrs monitoring are critical.

LAB24 presents the most accurate algorithm to measure BP for daily life and sleep

Why LAB24 ABPM ?

  • Motion tolerate algorithm for 24 hrs up to 48 hrs
    The most advanced BP algorithm for day/night monitoring even under emergency transport and treadmill testing.
  • Clinically validated by standards of
    AAMI, ESH, BIHS, AAMI-SP10, ISO 81060-2
  • Patented cuffs with inner pocket for easy wearing & reassuring BP accuracy
    Equipped with inner-pocket design, it will hold cuff position for BP monitoring, assuring accurate, consistent readings.
  • BMS Mini
    BMS Mini ABPM software is an intuitive, user-friendly, Windows based program the includes:
    • Interpretive summary report
    • Time-slice periods with statistical analysis
    • Custom report options with single page with ABP graph
    • PDF report format with EMR compatibility with built-in direct email menu
  • Easy to use & one button design
    • Simple operation with one button design
    • 250 memory readings
    • 2 AA battery operation
BIONET INC Pursuing fulfillment beyond technology for happier and healthier living of consumers.



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