Arab Health 2023 Day 2

Arab Health 2023 Day 2

Bionet’s ambition pieces: the Brio X Series and the Cardio Q Series, have drawn attention from visitors across the Middle East, India and Africa.

Today, Bionet continues to passionately soar across the world.
Please visit the Bionet exhibition that runs until the 2nd of February.

◾ Date: January 30, 2023 ~ February 2, 2023
◾ Location: Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Center
◾ Booth: Korean Pavilion Space #H1, H79

#Bionet #MedicalDevices #SonoMe #WirelessUltrasound #FDA #CardioQSeries #electrocardiograph #BrioXSeries #PatientMonitor #VEMOPlus #healthcare #Vitalsigns #ArabHealth #Dubai

BIONET INC Pursuing fulfillment beyond technology for happier and healthier living of consumers.



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